Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, “Preaiubiti parinti…- impresii din America in corespondenta lui Carol Stork 1877-1880” (My dearest parents… impressions from America in the letters of Carol Storck 1877-1880), presentation at the commemorative conference “Stefan Luchian si epoca sa”, Romanian Academy, June 28th, 2016
“Retorica si memorie. Sculptura romaneasca de for public” (Rhetoric and Memory. The Romanian public sculpture) , May 31st, 2016. Participants: Ruxanda Beldiman, Irina Carabas, Virginia Barbu, Olivia Nitis, Adrian Guta (National University of the Arts, Bucharest), MarilenaPreda-Sanc (artist, National University of the Arts, Bucharest), IonelIstoc (sculptor, Bucharest), AlinCiupala (scientific secretary, Institute of Art History “G. Oprescu”).
The Wednesday Meetings organized by The Institute of Art History “G. Oprescu”:
Olivia Nitis, Irina Carabas, “About editing and publishing the volume “After Brancusi”, April 29, 2015
Irina Carabas-Olaru: Barbu Brezianu and the avant-garde scholarship
Virginia Barbu: Out of the correspondence of Barbu Brezianu
RuxandaBeldiman: Pages of history of Institute’s Department of modern art (BarbuBrezianu’s activity within the Institute)
Olivia Nitis: Barbu Brezianu archive and the contemporary art archive
Corina Teaca: Theodor Pallady in Barbu Brezianu archive
September 2016
Virginia Barbu, Corina Teacã, Launching the volume Mãrturiile toamnei. Corespondenþã Ionel Jianu – Barbu Brezianu, Ed. UNARTE, 2016
30 aprilie Întâlnirile de miercuri, Institutul de Istoria Artei „G.Oprescu”
Ioana Vlasiu, Din corespondenþa lui Barbu Brezianu. Scrisorile istoricului de artã Friedrich Teja Bach
Corina Teacã, Pe marginea monografiei N.N.Tonitza de Barbu Brezianu
Conference of the project “The Saint of Montparnasse” from Document to Myth. A Century of Constantin Brancusi Scholarship.
Period: 4th-6th October 2013
Organizer: Institute of Art History “G.Oprescu” of the Romanian Academy in partnership with the National University of Arts, Bucharest
After having experienced the shock of modernity, sculpture has not held a steady definition. Its status within the contemporary art system is highly divided and challenged today. “What is sculpture?” More than ever, this question does not meet an unequivocal answer. In spite of the seemingly endless process of transformations underwent by sculpture, Constantin Brancusi and his work have continued to rise interest among scholars and to pervade the imagination of artists.
The history of sculpture of the 20th century retains Brancusi as one of its leading heroes due to the unforeseen openings that his art production has made available for his posterity. The Institute of Art History in Bucharest had the honor of receiving in 2008 the donation of the art historian Barbu Brezianu, a distinguished scholar of Brancusi’s work.
This donation consists in his art library, centered primarily on 20th century sculpture, more than three hundred documentary files, and a rich correspondence with numerous foreign and Romanian art historians. This valuable archive is being now organized and researched due to a project funded by the National Research Council. The conference of the project will examine the effects of Brancusi’s work on modern and contemporary sculpture/discourse on sculpture as well as strategies, approaches, debates that underpin its status during the 20th and 21st centuries.
See conference program here
See abstracts here
February 27 - Bucharest, Art History Institute “G. Oprescu”
Wednesday meetings - Ioana Vlasiu, „From the archive of Barbu Brezianu. Correspondence of Barbu Brezianu with the art historian Eric Shanes”; Corina Teacã, „Correspondence with the Thames and Hudson publishing house”
March 17 - Târgu Jiu
The Brâncuºiana symposia, Ioana Vlasiu, Centre of Brâncuºi, studies presented the paper: „Barbu Brezianu – A project of the Art History Institute G. Oprescu”
June 26 - Art History Institute “G. Oprescu”
Wednesday meetings – Olivia Niþiº: „Brâncuºi and His Correspondence: Documentary Importance”; Virginia Barbu: „George Enescu in Barbu Brezianu Archive”; Ruxanda Beldiman: „Barbu Brezianu’s Documentation on His Book about Nicolae Grigorescu”
February 16 – Bucharest, the Romanian Academy
The conference: “Constantin Brâncuºi – New documentary highlights”; Ioana Vlasiu, Centre for Brâncuºi Studies presented the paper: “Barbu Brezianu”- A Project of the Art History Institute “G. Oprescu”
June 12-22 - Paris France
Documentary trip to Paris by Virginia Barbu, Ruxanda Beldiman and Corina Teacã. Researches and inquiries were made in the following institutions: Musée National d’art Moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou; Musée Gustave Moreau, Musée de l’Orangerie, Musée de la vie romantique; the Brâncuºi archives at the Biblioteque Kandinsky containing part of Brâncuºi’s correspondence to the intellectual milieu he attended, his friendships, his connections to art collectors, the exhibitions etc; the Bourdelle archive at the Musée Bourdelle, especially the letters addressed tot Bourdelle, the French sculptor, by his Romanian admirers, among them Anastase Simu the museum founder, or his Romanian pupils.
October 31 – Bucharest, National University of Art
“Brâncuºi – film, photography” workshop - organized by the Art HistoryInstitute “G. Oprescu” together with National University of Art, organizer and participants: Ioana Vlasiu, Elena Dumitrescu, Irina Cãrãbaº, Virginia Barbu, Alexandra Croitoru, Olivia Niþiº, Corina Teacã, Ruxanda Beldiman.

November - Bucharest, National Radio broadcasting
November 11 - “Brâncuºi – film, photography” workshop - was promoted and presented by Olivia Niþiº at “Porþia de artã”, for “Cu minte de duminicã” show, editor Andreea Ionescu
November 22 - Art History Institute “G. Oprescu”– Doina Lemny, Musée d’Art Moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris presented her conference on: “Brâncuºi our Contemporary”

September 7-10, Canterbury University
Irina Cãrãbaº, „The Wooden Avant-Garde ad the Reception of Brancusi in Romania”, paper presented at the third conference of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (EAM), Material Meanings. Also at the same conference, Irina Cãrãbaº was chairman of a panel discussing conditions and forms of existence of the Avant-Garde in the 1960 in Romania („Elusive Avant-Garde. Materials, Practices, Connections in Post-War Romania”)
October – Bucharest, Art History Institute “G. Oprescu”
Meeting with professionals in documenting and archiving from the National Museum of Contemporary Art (Adriana Oprea, Magda Predescu) and from the Institute of Art history “G. Oprescu (Maria Anghelescu, Marina Aposteanu, Antoaneta Alexandru) in order to analyze solutions on archive organizing for the archive of art historian Barbu Brezeanu. There were also discussions on the method to use and also given examples for similar archives kept in important institutions from France and the USA (the archive of the art historian Ionel Jianou, of the Archives de l’art contemporain de Rennes and the Sidney Geist archive at the MOMA Museum of Modern Art in New York, both among Barbu Breazianu’s correspondents).
November - Bucharest, Art History Institute “G. Oprescu”
Public presentation of the project in presence of the director of the Institute and most of the researchers. The project director and some members of the team presented the main goals, as well as their individual tasks.
December 4 – Bucharest, National Radio broadcasting
Ioana Vlasiu was interviewed by Olivia Niþiº for “Porþia de artã”, for “Cu minte de duminicã” show, editor Andreea Ionescu